Wednesday, April 02, 2003

(from Liveprayer's devotional today...)

The ultimate reality TV program. Over the past several years, reality TV
programs like "Survivor" have become the hottest and top-rated programs on
television. The appeal was in watching real people living in real life
situations. They are cheap to produce and garner high ratings which equate
to a financial bonanza for the networks that air them. With the initial
success of these types of programs, came a flood of new ones. They all
started to look the same, so to make themselves stand out, they had to come
up with more bizarre concepts that began to push the limits of good taste
and decency.

Pretty soon it was a race to see who could be the raunchiest, who could
degrade people the most, and just how low they could get before the public
said enough. That brought us wonderful television programs that made a
mockery of God's institution of marriage, let us see people eat living
insects and raw animal parts for a few dollars, and allowed us to cheer for
a race between an elephant and dozens of midgets who were harnessed to a
747. Sadly, the public watched this garbage in great numbers. Never saying
it was enough, only wanting more. The only thing left to do was actually
have someone die, right there on LIVE television. Even the sleaze merchants
of reality TV couldn't justify crossing that line.

But wait, along comes the war. I have long contended that the news has quit
being about news, but is actually a form of entertainment. Why do you think
Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, and Peter Jennings are all paid Hollywood-type
salaries? They are ENTERTAINERS! TV could now give the public the ultimate
reality TV program, complete with death and destruction, under the guise of

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