Tuesday, November 04, 2003

(seen at Pneumatica in the Attempt at Poetry section)

Hear the Song and Laugh

When it blooms- the rain makes its presence known
-but when the wind starts to blow- all are afraid.

If your smile fades- then your eyes will reflect your sorrow
-though the comfort lies around the corner- or are you mislead?

Courage to overcome- now sometimes that seems like a joke
-yet we cling to it- like a bad habit that never dies.

Offer something different- give me a chance to make it better
-and the change will be encouraging- with the hope that is restored.

Tear it down- this world that seeks to suck away my joy
-threatening to cover me completely- yet still failing.

Refuge stays away- but is that refuge really safe
-or is it imagination and dreams- left unspoiled?

Either way it's life- and a life worth living
-no matter what despair- no matter what dreams may fade.

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