Wednesday, February 23, 2005

imperfections :: (vii) :: thinking [via Finking Out Loud]

Imagine that you are not able to reason,
Think of not thinking just for a season,
Take time to ponder a week without thought,
Dare to suggest to forget what we’re taught.

Imagine no books and no talk and no telly,
Or wireless and ancient old libraries smelly.
Picture no Paxman or Dimbleby boys,
Or Rowan and Anglicans throwing their toys.

Simply believe what you’re told from the front
And the back and the book and evangelist’s stump;
Dream of a world where discussing’s a sin,
When every first word is the last ever in.

Who would decide what is in and what’s not?
Who would decide what is hot and what’s rot?
Think of the thinking that person would do!
Could it be me or should it be you?

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