Authentic Debate
Tomlinson denied any wrongdoing and said, "Unfortunately, the inspector general's preconceived and unjustified findings will only help to maintain the status quo, and other reformers will be discouraged from seeking change."[via Ambivablog]
Now, depending on your political point of view, this was either a refreshingly forceful, if slightly overzealous, attempt to inject some red new blood and real debate into a stagnant backwater of limp liberalism, or it's more evidence of a scary sort of coup d'etat from within, attempting to turn a public trust into a propaganda arm of movement conservatism.
And if you're a moderate? I find PBS, as well as NPR, laughably biased leftward (and ineffectual and irrelevant for all but true believers because of it). What really scares me is that liberals and conservatives no longer have a shred of respect for each other, and can no longer work together to provide representation for all of us and authentic debate and balance. Everything has to be in the hands of one gang or the other, and all's fair in the tug of war, including Karl Rove's specialty, behind-the-scenes dirty tricks.
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