Mutual Realization, Infinite Potential
.In friendship, the Other personalizes the good (or true or beautiful) in a way that includes my own participation, so that friendship becomes an interactive revelation and intensification of the good...From Person, Grace, and God by Philip Rolnick
Friendship is never simply a matter of who. The what (what is said, what is done, what is shared) is highly relevant to the realization of relationship because it can foster the mutual realization of the true, good, and beautiful, the correlate of persons. The what makes the who more robust....Greater depth of friendship (philia) becomes possible as friends progress in the good, and this happy phenomenon is another indication that person is the correlate of the true, good, and beautiful...Friendships that do not remain dynamic tend to wither. The friendship must go forward in pursuit of more truth, beauty, and goodness so that ever greater gifts of self can be given and received. Personal participation in the transcendentals keeps friendship fresh."
[HT: Faith Dance]
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