[noticed at The Invisible Sun right here]
I've seen far too many activists who are not the answer. Their head answer is largely correct, but the energy, the style, the soul is not. So if they bring about their so-called revolution, I don't want to be part of it (especially if they're in charge). They might have the answer, but they are not themselves the answer, in fact they are often part of the problem.
" That's one reason that most revolutions fail. They self-destruct from within. Jesus and the great spiritual teachers primarily emphasized transformation of consciousness and soul. Unless that happens, there is no revolution. Where the leftists take over, they become as power seeking and controlling and dominating as their oppressors because the demon of power was never exorcised.
" We've seen this in social reforms and in lay and feminist movements. You want to support them and you agree with many of the ideas, but too often they disappoint. The need to be in power, to have control, and to say someone else is wrong is not enlightenment. There's nothing new about that. That's the old paradigm. I wonder if Jesus was not referring to this phenomenon when he spoke of throwing out the demons (leaving the place "swept and tidy") and then seven other demons return making it worse than before (Matt. 12:45). TOO ZEALOUS reforms tend to corrupt the reformers, while they remain incapable of seeing themselves as unreformed. We need less reformation and more transformation.
---from Next Reformation