If The Simpsons Chose...
So, if the Simpsons and their neighbours and co-workers were voting in the riding of Springfield-Shelbyville this Monday, how would they cast their ballots?...[via Daimnation!, HT: Relapsed Catholic]
Green Party:
- Lisa Simpson (too young to vote, but she'd volunteer)
Christian Heritage Party:
- Ned Flanders
Marijuana Party:
- Otto
Homer Simpson - who once led a union and conducted same-sex marriage ceremonies, but also served in the naval reserve, ran several small businesses, and got really angry when taxes were increased to pay for the Bear Patrol - is likely still undecided.
I'm with Otto :) Leaning toward Flanders...hey how 'bout the Christian Heritage Marijuana Party? We can all become Rastafarians :) LOL! -Moose