Wednesday, July 16, 2003

The following is presented by a love of blogging

PrairieFusion Presents BlogParty2003

If you are reading this, have a weblog and you live within driving distance of my backyard (1403 Avenue D North, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada), you are invited to PrairieFusion's BlogParty2003 on Monday, July 21st at 7:00 p.m. Much food, drink, blogging, dancing, and festivities.


Q: Can family members attend if they don't have a blog?
A: Yes but they won't understand how cool we really are.

Q: Will there be WIFI?
A: Of course

Q: Will Jordon do the "running man"
A: Possibly

Q: Do I need to bring food?
A: Bring whatever food and drink you think would make it a better evening.

Please RSVP to

The preceding was presented by a love of blogging

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