Monday, April 14, 2003

(from Signposts)

I listened to a press conference with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld where he said the bombing campaign was so precise there was minimal damage to Iraq's civilian infrastructure." Here is a link I found to his comments. He went on to say: "I don't know that there is much reconstruction to do," Rumsfeld told reporters late Thursday.

Yet, this in the age today:

Baghdad remains in the grip of an electricity and clean-water crisis.Lieutenant-General William Wallace, the senior army officer in Iraq, said army engineers were attempting to locate civil authorities who knew the workings of the electricity grid, which failed a few nights before the fall of Baghdad.

But he warned: "Getting water and power and sewage back on in this city is going to be a monumental task."

Isn't it good to see that when Rumsfeld starts his spin doctoring he consults with his senior military people in Iraq.

Around and around we go.

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