Wednesday, April 09, 2003

(from Signposts)

If we review the spin doctoring by in particular FOX news, but also our world leaders over the last few months there seems to be an ebb and flow that is emerging:

Saddam has weapons of mass destruction and will sell them or use them if we don't remove that possibility

This is not just a rogue nation but a terrorist nation. Subtle messages are sent that Saddam is linked to the terroist attacks on September 11. These are so successful that in a recent poll during the invasion - 49% of Americans believed that Saddam was responsible for the S11 attack.

Saddam is running a brutal regime and we need to liberate the Iraqi people

Weapons of Mass destruction are not here which seems to mean that they are probably in Syria. Syria has been arming and now allowing Iraqi regime members to flee there.

Dare I say it: we need to attack Syria

And so in summary, we have a rogue nation (the US) together with its allies invading a sovereign nation. They are 'justified' because of a key side benefit of the invasion (not the reason presented to the United Nations). It is wonderful to see the people of Iraq free.

But I am very fearful of the precedent and the consequences for our future.

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