Tuesday, April 15, 2003

(seen via Fatblueman)

"Judgement is mine", saith the Lord

The religious overtones in President Bush's speeches increasingly grate on many ears in Europe, where leaders invoking God in times of war are widely suspect of using faith for political purposes.

The German president, French premier, and Belgian foreign minister have joined religious leaders in expressing alarm at Bush's beliefs and the place of religion in U.S. politics.

In his speeches, Bush has asked for guidance from "the loving God behind all of life and all of history" and warned Americans that "we are in a conflict between good and evil."

These references may not seem so out of place in the United States, where all presidents say "God bless America" and where "In God We Trust" is emblazoned on dollar bills.

But they stand out and sometimes even shock many Europeans who remember how German soldiers trooped off to World War I with "Gott mit uns" (God with us) stamped on their belt buckles.

(from this article)

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