In Christianity Today's September '04 issue about same-sex marriage, it was interesting to see what books were advertised. I have some different suggestions:
from the back cover:
The homosexuality debate touches on the foundations of Christian faith: on the authority of scripture and how we interpret the Christian “story,” on the doctrines of creation, fall, redemption, and kingdom hope. It touches also on how we understand the relation between the faith and the context in which it is lived: the question of Christ and culture, church and world, and the relation between them.
from here at the publisher:
In this brief book, two New Testament scholars discuss the relevant biblical texts on the subject of homosexual behavior and orientation. Discussing both Old Testament and New Testament texts, each author also raises important interpretive and moral questions and then offers a response to the other’s main assertions.
from the Synopis at
God, Sex, and Politics examines both sides of the church controversy over homosexuality to consider the ways in which people develop, in everyday thought and interaction, their beliefs about God and justice.
from this description:
In dialogue with both legal scholars and theologians, Ellison examines the strengths and weaknesses of how marriage traditionalists, advocates of same-sex marriage, and LBGT (lesbian/bisexual/gay/transgender) critics of marriage analyze the issues and frame their arguments.
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