Monday, January 24, 2005

Why do we refer to things as "problems"? You may say I'm picky, but I think word choice is the most important thing... Plus the name you give a thing influences how in what way we'll approach it. If we are naming things incorrectly, we will not approach them correctly, and given the kinds of things that currently earn the name "Problem" ("the problem of evil," "the problem of unity and diversity," "the problem of knowledge," "the problem of particulars"), it is really, really important to me to approach to them correctly.

[via Mere-Orthodoxy]


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thanks for the link.

    Do you write any of your own stuff?

  3. Yes, sometimes. It's a bit frustrating for me, though, especially since I have to use a public terminal for a limited time.
